Last night as I was cooking dinner, Steffan came up to me and thanked me for always doing things for him. At first I thought he just wanted something in return...after all, he is grounded. But, he went on to explain that some kids that were sitting at a table he was at were trying to make him and his friend throw away their lunch trays. He refused to do it, but God gave him some insight to how I feel when he won't do his own chores. It's so nice to know that he is paying attention to the things his dad and I say.
I also have a confession to make. Last night he was talking to me on the ride home from play practice, and I recieved a phone call which I took. As I was starting the conversation, I heard him mumble under his breath that he wished the phone wouldn't have rang. I wish I wouldn't have taken that call at that particular moment. I missed out on furthering a good conversation with him.
Next time I'll know better!
I hope it wasn't me calling!!! There have been many times that I will let my phone ring or my texts sit until I've finished some special time with my family. It's important. With all the technology and billions of ways to interrupt a person's life, we really have to make a conscious effort to make sure our families know they're first. Thanks for the reminder. :) xoxo (Oh - and, if it was me, tell Steffan I'm sorry!)