Thursday, September 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy!

I am so excited!  Today is my dad's birthday!  My dad is my hero.  He's been there for me through so many things.  He has done a fantastic job as a spiritual leader in our household, even now when my siblings and I are growing our own families. 

I remember when I was in high school, I went to some speech competitions...and although I did horribly bad both times I was there, he gave me wonderful words of encouragement.  He's always been there for me.  When I had my first break up with a boyfriend, he was there to encourage me.  When there was a death of a fellow student, he comforted me.

He taught me how to saddle and ride a horse.  He would allow me to drive up to some land we had behind our house and feed our horse.  I felt so big and important when that happened.

I still remember the smell of our garage when I was growing up.  I love that had my dad written all over it.  I remember him taking us to the local creek to swim and trying to teach me how to swim.  I always had a fear of water and he tried to help me with it, but I'm still scared to death.

We would have the most amazing conversations in his old black truck.  I always looked forward to the times when it was just me and him going to church on a Sunday night.  I would talk to him about anything, and he was always good about explaining things.

I remember one conversation I had with him about God being our father.  Back then I was too young to understand the full meaning off all that, and I thought he meant that God was my real father.  I was so heartbroken to "think" my dad wasn't my real dad.  But I GET IT NOW! 

All in all, my dad has always been there for me and I know I'm incredibly blessed.

Love you DAD!

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